All change constantly and when the person didn’t have a good actualization in a good time they suffer a cultural shock that it is a shock between the new styles lives and the old, even though that every thing has a change, there are things that really influence in the dearly life of the people like the music, the fashion and the technology.
First, when my grandmother life, or when my mother was young used to listen music like “troba cubana” or protest music and the popular songs was a singers or groups that in this moment is remember like the best in this age., but in ours days exist many types and different styles of
music for example rockpop, reggeton, heavy metal and electronic music and the cultural shock between ours generation with old generation have a big contrast for example my parents think that the electronic music is all the time the same song and they say that the letter of this music didn’t have several meaning.
Another point is the fashion, nevertheless there are investigations that demonstrate that the fashion comes change cyclical for example in the 60´s the women used to dress tube jeans with dresses and long blouses of many colors that they complement with belts to the waist. In ours days the women use the same clothing with a little changes for example in the types of colors or the materials of the clothes.
First, when my grandmother life, or when my mother was young used to listen music like “troba cubana” or protest music and the popular songs was a singers or groups that in this moment is remember like the best in this age., but in ours days exist many types and different styles of

Another point is the fashion, nevertheless there are investigations that demonstrate that the fashion comes change cyclical for example in the 60´s the women used to dress tube jeans with dresses and long blouses of many colors that they complement with belts to the waist. In ours days the women use the same clothing with a little changes for example in the types of colors or the materials of the clothes.
All in all, the cultural shock is the felling that the people have when change things like the fashion or the music in the culture and the people don’t have a significant actualization, but the most important point is when the person suffer this felling they do the necessary to change this and they can learn the new culture and the new lifestyles.
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