sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2008
sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2008
One of the best offices of the world is Google not only by the information capacity that it has, but by the benefits that offer all workers, nevertheless although these offices fulfil all the requirements so that the people render in their work, can not to be possible to have an office like this in Colombia.
First, is important to say that the people need an atmosphere full work of spaces where they are possible to be relaxed, since these favour to that the workers do their work better. the best example of this type of offices the company Google, since even though that their workers realise their workings the suitable time, they have spaces like spa to relax, have the best restaurants with all the types of meals, furthermore can make any type of activity in their free time in the office like sleeping, watching, to play with their mascots. This demonstrated that with all these benefits the workers carry out better their work.
On to other hand, offices like these with all the benefits for the workers only can exist in places where the people really are responsible and workers, this demonstrated that the Colombians are people workers and responsible while they have constantly somebody watches them. If to the majority of Colombians think that this is a game offers them all these benefits of the offices of Google and not a work. Also it is important to say that the people can not distribute their time in realising their work and spending their time free relaxing.
In conclusion, the offices of Google have in atmosphere that all the dumb one wants to have in its works, but they needed responsible people and worker people, so that these can work of the best way, is by whom in Colombia an office like this can not to be best option.
First, is important to say that the people need an atmosphere full work of spaces where they are possible to be relaxed, since these favour to that the workers do their work better. the best example of this type of offices the company Google, since even though that their workers realise their workings the suitable time, they have spaces like spa to relax, have the best restaurants with all the types of meals, furthermore can make any type of activity in their free time in the office like sleeping, watching, to play with their mascots. This demonstrated that with all these benefits the workers carry out better their work.
On to other hand, offices like these with all the benefits for the workers only can exist in places where the people really are responsible and workers, this demonstrated that the Colombians are people workers and responsible while they have constantly somebody watches them. If to the majority of Colombians think that this is a game offers them all these benefits of the offices of Google and not a work. Also it is important to say that the people can not distribute their time in realising their work and spending their time free relaxing.
In conclusion, the offices of Google have in atmosphere that all the dumb one wants to have in its works, but they needed responsible people and worker people, so that these can work of the best way, is by whom in Colombia an office like this can not to be best option.
sábado, 25 de octubre de 2008
We, like medicine students do not have many time during the week to program English classes from Monday to Friday, because our career require us ten hour of practice with the patients in the hospitals and the other hours we are studying, for this reason we have to spend four hours on Saturday morning to learn English. Therefore, the Saturday is a good day to study but next Saturday could be a good opportunity to relax us.
Firstly, is important to say that week by week our career exposes us to a constant evaluation because medicine is a science that works with human lives. Despite this we need a weekend to rest and start again our periods of evaluation. We have to take in to account that the time in the week to sleep and spend time in our hobbies is very short and usually on weekend. Also on October 31st, many of us are going to assist to Halloween parties because is a good opportunity to fun good moments with our friends, for that reason is difficult to arrive to university in good conditions like have arrived all Saturdays.
On the other hand we spend only four hours in the week to improve our English and lose one Saturday is losing an opportunity to practice the idiom because we need a lot of exercises that never do in our home to acquire a good level. Also the university has established a number of hours in each class and both, the teacher and the students must to be responsible with that. An important detail is that the university has only seven levels of English and we are near to Toefl so an hour lost is less time to preparation.
In conclusion, Saturday is a good day to study but we think that November 1st could be a good opportunity to enjoy because we can prepare our exams, we can relax and also we can go to a party without the pressure of English class. Also the benefits are to the teacher too because he can share time with his family or do other activities and he won’t have the necessity to give his work to another person. Is a very good option that the next Saturday we won’t have classes because ALL of us can spend our time without preoccupations.
María Alejandra Prieto
María Fernanda Torres
Edward Valbuena
Diana Marcela Valentín
Firstly, is important to say that week by week our career exposes us to a constant evaluation because medicine is a science that works with human lives. Despite this we need a weekend to rest and start again our periods of evaluation. We have to take in to account that the time in the week to sleep and spend time in our hobbies is very short and usually on weekend. Also on October 31st, many of us are going to assist to Halloween parties because is a good opportunity to fun good moments with our friends, for that reason is difficult to arrive to university in good conditions like have arrived all Saturdays.
On the other hand we spend only four hours in the week to improve our English and lose one Saturday is losing an opportunity to practice the idiom because we need a lot of exercises that never do in our home to acquire a good level. Also the university has established a number of hours in each class and both, the teacher and the students must to be responsible with that. An important detail is that the university has only seven levels of English and we are near to Toefl so an hour lost is less time to preparation.
In conclusion, Saturday is a good day to study but we think that November 1st could be a good opportunity to enjoy because we can prepare our exams, we can relax and also we can go to a party without the pressure of English class. Also the benefits are to the teacher too because he can share time with his family or do other activities and he won’t have the necessity to give his work to another person. Is a very good option that the next Saturday we won’t have classes because ALL of us can spend our time without preoccupations.
María Alejandra Prieto
María Fernanda Torres
Edward Valbuena
Diana Marcela Valentín
domingo, 12 de octubre de 2008
jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008

The knowledge is one of the few things that the person does not lose, and is with this who the people can or not getting to prevail in the life. but so that the people are successful acquiring and storing the knowledge it is necessary to have a good method of study and to have good attitude to be the best one in which they does
First, the study method is one of the parts more important so that the people acquire of good forms the knowledge and with this getting to be successful in the life. The methods of studies are based on several techniques which include for example to have hours in the day in which reading is only realised, that this time is I divide in the days of 45 minutes, having a rest of fifteen minutes to follow again with the work. Also it is important to store in our mind information that we consider but important.
On to other hand, another important point is the attitude at the time of learning, to always have the responsibility to make the things. but the important thing to always have the desire to learn new things to be with the open mind to the new knowledge, not only of the subjects that influence in our races, but also in the other things that interest to us like for example history, the wines.
All in all, in knowledge is but the important thing in the life and is what it makes us prevail in the life, but for this they are needed to have good methods of study that help to store the knowledge us and to always have a good attitude.
First, the study method is one of the parts more important so that the people acquire of good forms the knowledge and with this getting to be successful in the life. The methods of studies are based on several techniques which include for example to have hours in the day in which reading is only realised, that this time is I divide in the days of 45 minutes, having a rest of fifteen minutes to follow again with the work. Also it is important to store in our mind information that we consider but important.
On to other hand, another important point is the attitude at the time of learning, to always have the responsibility to make the things. but the important thing to always have the desire to learn new things to be with the open mind to the new knowledge, not only of the subjects that influence in our races, but also in the other things that interest to us like for example history, the wines.
All in all, in knowledge is but the important thing in the life and is what it makes us prevail in the life, but for this they are needed to have good methods of study that help to store the knowledge us and to always have a good attitude.
viernes, 3 de octubre de 2008
The first digital computer was building by Blaise Pascal in 1642; the computer has been used like a very useful tool; it is used in the different kind of activities of the majority people, moreover the PC is implicated in the connectivity or access to internet. The excessive Internet use had generated a new disorder called Internet Addiction.
First, the term Internet Addiction was postulated by Dra Young in 1995 especially in adolescents, like a psychological dependence, characterized by increased preoccupation with online activities, tolerance. She found some special features in this group of persons for example intelligent, high socio-economic stratum, men adolescents, the applications used are characteristic like real time applications (chat, facebook), world wide web (WWW), cybersex, gambling
etc. The adolescents with Internet addiction spend many hours of the time online, they have academy problems, Nowadays everybody have Internet access for this reason is possible that any person obtained this disorder.
Even though that the computers have generated these problems of adicction, these also make easy the life with all the properties that nowadays have like the connectivity and with this all the access to the world, for example acess to books and magazines with the best one and completes information on subjects that in my means can to save lives, fast and gratuitous communication by the Internet and many other examples.
In conclusion is important have caution with the Internet use, because easily we have problems with that, in our family the Internet use should be limited especially in adolescents.
First, the term Internet Addiction was postulated by Dra Young in 1995 especially in adolescents, like a psychological dependence, characterized by increased preoccupation with online activities, tolerance. She found some special features in this group of persons for example intelligent, high socio-economic stratum, men adolescents, the applications used are characteristic like real time applications (chat, facebook), world wide web (WWW), cybersex, gambling

Even though that the computers have generated these problems of adicction, these also make easy the life with all the properties that nowadays have like the connectivity and with this all the access to the world, for example acess to books and magazines with the best one and completes information on subjects that in my means can to save lives, fast and gratuitous communication by the Internet and many other examples.
In conclusion is important have caution with the Internet use, because easily we have problems with that, in our family the Internet use should be limited especially in adolescents.
viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2008

The media is one of the best invention in this epoch because whit this people know the events in all the world, however the media didn’t only present news also they playing attention in the personal life of public figures and celebrities and they didn’t only say true in many opportunities they say false things.
First, average the communication says things to you that favor to the celebrities and the figures you publish like for example when the celebrities do works of charity helping the people need who it, this does that the people interesting themselves by the celebrities. Another example is when in the reporters pass all the acts good that they do public figures for the governments or the people who were representing
On the other hand the mass media not only say good things but they play with the deprived life of the celebrities and public figures as it saw very well exemplified in the elections for president of the United States where the only thing who mattered was what was behind them like his families saying all the problems that they have.
All in all, the most important point is the media playing whit the personal life of the celebrities and public figures they knowledge that to do raiting with this is bad is better to donews whereupon really it interests people to him
First, average the communication says things to you that favor to the celebrities and the figures you publish like for example when the celebrities do works of charity helping the people need who it, this does that the people interesting themselves by the celebrities. Another example is when in the reporters pass all the acts good that they do public figures for the governments or the people who were representing
On the other hand the mass media not only say good things but they play with the deprived life of the celebrities and public figures as it saw very well exemplified in the elections for president of the United States where the only thing who mattered was what was behind them like his families saying all the problems that they have.
All in all, the most important point is the media playing whit the personal life of the celebrities and public figures they knowledge that to do raiting with this is bad is better to donews whereupon really it interests people to him
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